Some of original articles are available from Hokkaido University Collections of Scholarly & Academic Papers (HUSCAP)
List of Publications
First Author and Corresponding Author
1)Uo M., Sakurai E., Tsukihashi F., Sano N. : The CaS solubility in the CaO bearing slags, steel research, 60, p.496-502, 1989
2)Uo M., Yamashika Y., Morita K., Karube I., Makishima A. : Phase separation of halogen containing sodium borosilicate glasses, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, 100, 17-21, 1992.
3)Uo M., Yamashita K., Suzuki M., Tamiya E., Karube I., Makishima A. : Immobilization of yeast cells in porous silica carrier with sol-gel process, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, 100, 426-429, 1992.
4)Uo M., Numata M., Suzuki M., Tamiya E., Karube I., Makishima A. : Preparation and properties of immobilized mercuric reductase on porous glass carrier, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, 100, 430-433, 1992.
5)Uo M., Numata M., Karube I., Makishima A. : Mercuric ion sensor with FIA system using immobilized mercuric reductase on porous glass, Ceramic Transactions, 31, 361-370, 1993.
6)Uo M., Makishima A. : Preparation and properties of porous materials for biotechnology by the sol-gel process, Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research in Kyoto University, 72, 266-271, 1994.
7)Uo M., Yamana M., Soga K., Inoue H., Makishima A. : Preparation and optical properties of amorphous silica doped with porphins, TCPP, SPIE Proceedings (Sol-Gel Optics IV), 3136, 2-9, 1997.
8)Uo M., Seto H., Morita K., Inoue H., Makishima A. : The effect of
rare-earth oxides on the crystallization of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses, Journal of Materials Science, 34, 749-754, 1998.
9)Uo M., Mizuno M., Kuboki Y., Makishima A., Watari F. : Properties
and cytotoxicity of water soluble Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses, Biomaterials, 19, 2277-2284, 1998.
10)Uo M., Watari F., Yokoyama A., Matsuno H., Kawasaki T. : Dissolution of nickel and tissue response observed by X-ray scanning analytical microscope, Biomaterials, 20, 747-755, 1999.
11)Uo M., Watari F., Yokoyama A., Matsuno H., Kawasaki T. : Tissue reaction around metal implants observed by X-ray scanning analytical microscopy, Biomaterials, 22, 677-685, 2001.
12)Uo M., Watari F., Yokoyama A., Matsuno H., Kawasaki T. : Visualization and detectability of elements rarely contained in soft tissue by X-ray scanning analytical microscopy and electron probe micro analysis, to be published with Biomaterials, 22, 1787-1794, 2001.
13)Uo M.,Sjoegren G., Sundh A., Watari F., Bergman M., Lerner U. : Cytotoxicity and bonding properties of dental zirconia ceramics (Denzir) and other dental ceramics, Dental Materials, 19, 487-492, 2003.
14)Uo M., Berglund A., Cardenas J., Pohl L., Watari F., Bergman M., Sjoeberg S. : Surface analysis of dental amalgams by x-ray photoelectron spectrometry and x-ray diffraction spectrometry, Dental Materials, 19, 639-644, 2003.
15)Uo M., Watari F.: Rapid analysis of dental metallic restoratives using X-ray Scanning Analytical Microscope, Dental Materials 20, 611-615, 2004.
16)Uo M., Tanaka M., Watari F.: Quantitative analysis of biological specimens by X-ray scanning analytical microscope, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, PartB Applied Biomaterials 70B, 146-151, 2004.
17)Uo M., Okamoto M., Watari F., Tani K., Morita M., Shintani A.: Rare earth oxide containing fluorescent glass filler for composite resin, Dental Materials Journal, 24, 49-52, 2005.
18)Uo M., Asakura K., Yokoyama A., Tamura K., Totsuka Y., Akasaka T., Watari F.: Analysis of Titanium Dental Implants Surrounding Soft Tissue using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), Chemistry Letters, 34, 776-777, 2005.
19)Uo M., Tamura K, Sato Y., Yokoyama A., Watari F., Totsuka Y., Tohji K.: The cytotoxicity of metal encapsulating carbon nanocapsules, Small, 1, 816-819, 2005.
20)Uo M., Asakura K., Kohgo T., Watari F.: Selenium distribution in human soft tissue determined by using X-ray scanning analytical microscope and X-ray absorption fine structure analysis, Chemistry Letters, 35, 66-67, 2006.
21)Uo M., Sj?gren G., Sundh A., Goto M., Watari F., Bergman M.: Effect of surface condition of dental zirconia ceramic (Denzir) on bonding, Dental Materials Journal, 25, 626-631, 2006.
22)Uo M., Asakura K., Yokoyama A., Ishikawa M., Tamura K., Totsuka Y., Akasaka T., Watari F.: X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) Analysis of Titanium-implanted Soft Tissue, Dental Materials Journal, 26, 268-273, 2007.
23)Uo M., Kachi H., Akasaka T., Watari F., Sato Y., Motomiya K., Tohji K.: The purity and thermal stability in air of metal-encapsulating carbon nanocapsules (MECNCs), Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 15, 303-309, 2007.
24) Uo M., Asakura K., Tamura K., Totsuka Y., Abe S., Akasaka T., Watari F.: XAFS Analysis of Ti and Ni Dissolution from Pure Ti, Ni-Ti Alloy, and SUS304 in Soft Tissues, Chemistry Letters, 37 (9), 958-959, 2008.
25) Uo M., Hasegawa T., Akasaka T., Tanaka I., Munekane F., Omori M., Kimura H., Nakatomi R., Soga K., Kogo Y., Watari F.: Multiwalled carbon nanotube monoliths prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) and their mechanical properties, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 11-17, 2009.
26) Uo M., Kudo E., Okada A., Soga K., Kogo Y.: Preparation and properties of dental composite resin cured under near infrared irradiation, Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 22(5), 551-554, 2009.
27) Uo M., Watari F., Asakura K., Katayama N., Onodera S., Tohyama H., Hamada K., Ohnuki S.: Analysis of Wear Debris Generated from the Metal-on-metal Hip Joint, Nano Biomedicine, 1(2), 133-136, 2009.
28) Uo M., Sasaki A., Masuda J., Ino J., Watari F.: Application of flake shaped glass (Glass Flake) filler for dental composite resin, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, 118, 425-427, 2010.
29) Uo M., Asakura K., Watanabe K., Watari F.: XAFS Analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of a tungsten carbide pneumoconiosis patient, Chemistry Letters, 39, 852-853, 2010.
30) Uo M., Asakura K, Watanabe E., Hayashi I., Yanagi T., Shimizu H., Watari F.: A study of zinc contained in yellow and black discolored nails by X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption fine structure analyses, NanoBiomedicine, 2, 103-106, 2010.
31) Application of Rare Earth containing Yttria Nano-particles for Dental Materials; Uo M., Kanamori T., Takahashi M., Watari F., Soga K., Kogo Y.:Functionally Graded Materials 2010 (ISBN978-4-9901902-6-2), 24, 76-81, 2010.
32) Uo M., Akasaka T., Watari F., Sato Y., Tohji K.: Toxicity evaluations of various carbon nanomaterials(Review), Dental Materials Journal, 30, 245-263, 2011.
33) Sugiyama T., Uo M., Wada T., Omagari D., Komiyama K., Sasaki H., Takahashi H., Kusama M., Mori Y.: Novel metal allergy patch test using metal nanoballs, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 12:51, 1-6, 2014.
34) Sugiyama T., Uo M., Wada T., Omagari D., Komiyama K., Noguchi T., Jinbu Y., Kusama M.: Estimation of trace metal elements in oral mucosa specimens by using SR-XRF, PIXE and XAFS, Biometals, 28, 11-20, 2015.
35) Maekawa M., Kanno Z., Wada T., Hongo T., Doi H., Hanawa T., Ono T., Uo M.: Mechanical properties of orthodontic wires made of super engineering plastic, Dental Materials Journal, 34(1), 114-119, 2015 .
35) Uo M., Sugiyama T., Wada T.: Application of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) to dental and medical specimens, Japanese Dental Science Review, 51, 2-9, 2015.
36) Uo M., Sugiyama T., Wada T., Hongo T., Takashi N.: Distribution and chemical state analysis of eroded metallic elements from various dental alloys, The Journal of the Japanese Society of Dental Materials and Devices, 34, 41-47, 2015.
37) Uo M, Wada T, Sugiyama T, Nakano I, Kimura K, Taniguchi N, Inomata T, Konno S, Nishimura M: Elemental analysis of histopathological specimens of tungsten carbide lung disease using synchrotron radiation XRF and XAFS,Advances in X-ray Chemical Analysis Japan (in Japanese), 46, 177-186, 2015..
38) Sugiyama T., Uo M., Wada T., Omagari D., Komiyama K., Miyazaki S., Numako C., Noguchi T., Jinbu Y., Kusama M., Mori Y.: Detection of trace metallic elements in oral lichenoid contact lesions using SR-XRF, PIXE, and XAFS, Scientific Reports, 5:10672, 1-12, 2015.
39) Sugiyama T., Uo M., Mizoguchi T., Wada T., Omagari D., Komiyama K., Mori Y.: Copper accumulation in the sequestrum of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, Bone Reports, 3, 40-47, 2015.
as co-worker
1)Makishima A., Morita K., Inoue H., Uo M., Hayakawa T. et al. : Preparation and properties of amorphous silica doped with porphines and quinizarin by the sol-gel process, SPIE Proceedings (Sol-Gel Optics II), 1758, 492-498, 1992.
2)Kamitani K., Uo M., Inoue H., Makishima A. : Synthesis and spectroscopy of TPPS-doped silica gels by the sol-gel process, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 1, 85-92, 1993.
3)Makishima A., Uo M., Inoue H. : Improved expert system for
materials design of glasses, Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials
II, p.1533-1538, 1993
4)Kamitani K., Uo M., Inoue H., Makishima A. : Synthesis and
spectroscopy of organic dye-doped silica gels by sol-gel process,
Advanced Materials '93, III/A, p.47-50, 1994
5)Kamitani K., Uo M., Morita K., Inoue H., Makishima A. :
Preparation and optical properties of amorphous silica doped with
porphins of free-base by the two step sol-gel process, SPIE Proceedings
(Sol-Gel Optics III), 2288, p.255-263, 1994
6)Soga K., Uo M., Inoue H., Makishima A., Inoue S. : Site-dependent
study of the optical properties of Eu3+ in pure and
chlorine-doped fluorozirconate glasses, Journal of American Ceramic
Society, 78, p.129-132, 1995
7)Inoue S., Yamane M., Makishima A., Inoue H. Uo M. et al. :
Estimation of phase separation rates of PbO-B2O3 melts, Journal of Materials Research, 10,
p.1561-1564, 1995
8)Kamitani K., Uo M., Inoue H., Makishima A. et al. : Synthesis and
spectroscopy of TPP derivative-doped silica gels prepared by the
sol-gel process, Journal of Luminescence, 64, p.291 294, 1995
9)Orihara Y., Uo M., Inoue H., Makishima A., Tani T. : Preparation and spectrometry of lead-tin fluorophosphate glass doped with TPPS and TPPS-Sn, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100, p.1582-1587, 1996
10)Watari F., Yokoyama A., Saso F., Uo M., Kawasaki T. : Fabrication
and properties of functionally graded dental implant, Composites Part
B, 28, p.5-11, 1997
11)Watari F., Yokoyama A., Saso F., Uo M., Matsuno H., Kawasaki T. :
Imaging of gradient structure of titanium/apatite functionally graded
dental implant, Journal of Japan Institute of Metals, 62, p.1095-1101,
1998 (in Japanese)
12)Matsuno H., Yokoyama A., Watari F., Uo M., Kawasaki T.:
Biocompatibility of refractory metals in group IVa and Va evaluated by
bioimaging, The Journal of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials
and Devices, 18, p.447-462, 1999 (in Japanese)
13)Matsuno H., Yokoyama A., Watari F., Uo M., Kawasaki T. :
Biocompatibility and osteogenesis of refractory metal implants,
titanium, hafnium, niobium, tantalum and rhenium, to be published with
Biomaterials, 22, p.1253-1262, 2001
14)Kumazawa R, Watari F., Takashi N., Tanimura Y.,Uo M., Totsuka Y.
: Effect of Ti ions and particles on neutrophil function and
morphology, Biomaterials, 23, p.3757-3764, 2002
15)Tanimura Y., Watari F., Uo M., Totsuka Y. : Visible light
responsibility of titanium dioxide photocatalyst by metal ion
decoration and basic research its dental application, The Journal of
the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices, 21, p.447-462,
2002 (in Japanese)
16)Tamura Y., Yokoyama A., Watari F., Uo M., Kawasaki T.: Mechanical
properties of surface nitrided titanium for abrasion resistant implant
materials, Materials Transactions, 43, p.3043-3051, 2002
17)Watari F., Kondo H., Miyao R., Oori M., Okubo A., Hirai T., Yokoyama A., Uo M., Tamura Y., Kawasaki T.: Effect of spark plasma sintering pressure on the properties of functionally graded implant and its biocompatibility,Powder Metallurgy 49,p.1063-1069,2002 (in Japanese)
18)Konishi J., Watari F. Okawa S., Uo M., Sano H.: Effect of the
addition of intermediate oxide on firing contraction of porcelain inlay
processed by cold isostatic pressing methodThe Journal of the Japanese
Society for Dental Materials and Devices, 21,p.357-367,2002 (in
19)Iizuka T., Uo M., Kohgo T., Morita M.: Construction and
application of a web-accessible detabase system for educational
information of dentistry, Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science, 24,
42-48, 2003 (in Japanese)
20)Yokoyama A., Matsuno H., Yamamoto S., Kawasaki T., Kohgo T., Uo
M., Watari F. Nakasu M. : Tissue Response to a newly developed calcium
phosphate cement containing succinic acid and carboxymethyl-chitin
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research,64A,p.491-501,2003.
21)Tani K., Watari F., Uo M., Morota M.: Discrimination between
composite resin and teeth using fluorescence properties, Dental
Materials Journal, 22(4), 569-580, 2003.
22)Watari F., Yokoyama A., Omori M., Hirai T., Kondo H., Uo M.,
Kawasaki T.: Biocompatibility of materials and development to
functionally graded implant for bio-medical application, Composites
Science and Technology, 64, 893-908, 2004
23)Tani K., Watari F., Uo M., Morita M.: Fluorescent Properties of Porcelain-Restored Teeth and Their Discrimination, Materials Transactions, 45, 1010-1014, 2004
24)Ohkawa S., Ishii K., Uo M., Sugawara T., Watari F.: Slip casting of titanium powder for dental prosthetic appliances, Materials Transactions, 45, 1132-1139, 2004
25)Iwasaki K., Ohkawa S., Uo M., Akasaka T., Watari F.: Laser
welding of titanium and dental precious alloys, Materials Transactions,
45, 1140-4416, 2004
26)Hirai S., Nishinaka K., Shimakage K., Uo M., Watari F.:
Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Substrate by the SolGel Process,
Journal of American Ceramic Society, 87, 29-34, 2004
27)Yamada M.K., Uo M., Ohkawa S., Akasaka T., Watari F.:
Three-dimensional topographic scanning electron microscope and Raman
spectroscopic analyses of the irradiation effect on teeth by Nd:YAG,
Er:YAG, and CO2 lasers, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research,
PartB-Applied Biomaterials, 71B, 7-15, 2004
28)Rosca I.D., Watari F., Uo M.: Microparticle formation and its
mechanism in single and double emulsion solvent evaporation, Journal of
Controlled Release, 99, 271-280, 2004
29)Yokoyama A., Matsuno H., Kawasaki T., Mizukoshi T., Ishikawa M.,
Totsuka Y., Nodasaka Y., Uo M., Watari F., Kohgo T.: Analysis of
titanium in the tissue surrounding retrieved dental implants by
microscopy and emission spectrochemical analysis, Hokkaido Journal of
Dental Science, 25, 330-338, 2003 (in Japanese)
30)Kondo H., Yokoyama A., Omori M., Ohkubo A., Hirai T., Watari F.,
Uo M., Kawasaki T.: Fabrication of titanium nitride/apatite
functionally graded implants by spark plasma sintering, Materials
Transactions, 45, 3156-3162, 2004
31)Iwasaki K., Ohkawa S., Rosca I.D., Uo M., Akasaka T., Watari F.:
Distortion of laser welded titanium plates, Dental Materials Journal,
23, 593-599, 2004
32)Tamura K., Takashi N., Akasaka T., Rosca I.D., Uo M., Totsuka Y.,
Watari F.: Effects of micro/nano particle size on cell function and
morphology, Key Engineering Materials, 254-256, 919-922, 2004
33)Sato Y., Ohtsubo M., Jayadevan B., Tohji K., Motomiya K.,
Hatakeyama R., Yamamoto G., Omori M., Hashida T., Tamura K., Akasaka
T., Uo M., Yokoyama A., Watari F.: Biocompatibility of carbon nanotube
disk, SPIE Proceedings (Nanosensing: Materials and Devices), 5593,
p.623-627, 2004
34)Yokoyama A., Sato Y., Nodasaka Y., Yamamoto S., Kawasaki T.,
Shindoh M., Kohgo T., Akasaka T., Uo M., Watari F., Tohji K.:
Biological behavior of hat-stacked carbon nanofibers in the
subcutaneous tissue in rats, Nanoletters, 5, 157-161, 2005
35)Rosca I.D., Watari F., Uo M., Akasaka T.: Oxidation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by nitric acid, Carbon 43, p.3124-3131, 2005
36)Tajima K., Imai K., Uo M., Okawa S., Yoshinari M., Nagasawa S., Araki Y.: Current status of database of literature on dental materials and devices and its web database, The Journal of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices, 24, 47-58, 2005 (in Japanese)
37) Iizuka T., Uo M., Kohgo T., Morita M.: Development and application of a web-accessible system for educational information on dentistry, Hokkaido Journal of Dental Science, 26, 24-30, 2005 (in Japanese)
38)Sato K., Shibata K., Kataoka H., Ogino S., Fugetsu B., Yokoyama A., Tamura K., Akasaka T., Uo M., Motomiya K., Jayadevan B., Hatakeyama R., Watari F., Tohji K.: Strict preparation and evaluation of water-soluble hat-stacked carbon nanofibers for biomedical application and their high biocompatibility: influence of nanofiber-surface functional groups on cytotoxicity, Molecular Biosystems, 1, 142-145, 2005
39) Sato K., Yokoyama A., Shibata K., Akimoto Y., Ogino S., Nodasaka Y., Kohgo T., Tamura K., Akasaka T., Uo M., Motomiya K., Jayadevan B., Ishiguro M., Hatakeyama R., Watari F., Tohji K.: Influence of length on cytotoxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes against human acute monocytic leukemia cell line THP-1 in vitro and subcutaneous tissue of rats in vivo, Molecular Biosystems, 1, 176-182, 2005
40)Liao S., Wang W., Uo M., Ohkawa S., Akasaka T., Tamura K., Cui F., Watari F.:A three-layered nano-carbonated hydroxyapatite/collagen/PLGA composite membrane for guided tissue regeneration, Biomaterials, 26, 7564-7571, 2005
41)Liao S., Watari F., Uo M., Ohkawa S., Tamura K., Wang W., Cui F.:The Preparation and Characteristics of a Carbonated Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Composite at Room Temperature, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, PartB Applied Biomaterials 74B, 817-821, 2005
42) Aoki N., Yokoyama A., Nodasaka Y., Akasaka T., Uo M., Sato Y., Tohji K., Watari F.: Cell Culture on a Carbon Nanotube Scaffold, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 1, 402-405, 2005.
43)Aoki N., Yokoyama A., Nodasaka Y., Akasaka T., Uo M., Sato Y., Tohji K., Watari F.: Strikingly extended morphology of cells grown on carbon nanotubes, Chemistry Letters 35, 508-509, 2006
44)Liao S., Tamura K., Zhu Y., Wang W., Uo M., Akasaka T., Cui F., Watari F.:Human neutrophils reaction to the biodegraded nano-hydroxyapatite/collagen and nano-hydroxyapatite/collagen/poly(L-lactic acid) composites, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 76A, 820-825, 2006
45)Park Y.S., Kasuya A., Dmytruk A., Yasuto N., Takeda M., Sato Y., Tohji K., Uo M. Watari F.: Concentrated colloids of silica-encapsulated gold nanoparticles: colloidal stability, cytotoxicity, and X-ray absorption, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7, 1-6, 2007
46)Liao S., Watari F., Zhu Y., Uo M., Akasaka T., Wang W., Xu G., Cui F. :The degradation of the three layered nano-carbonated hydroxyapatite/collagen/PLGA composite membrane in vitro, Dental Materials, 23, p.1120-1128, 2007
47)Aoki N., Yokoyama A., Nodasaka Y., Akasaka T., Uo M., Sato Y., Tohji K, Watari F.:Carbon Nanotubes Deposited on Titanium Implant for Osteoblast Attachment, Journal of Bionanoscience, 1, p.14-16, 2007
48)Wang W., Watari F., Omori M., Liao S., Zhu Y., Yokoyama A., Uo M., Kimura H., Ohkubo A.: Mechanical properties and biological behavior of carbon nanotube/polycarbosilane composites for implant materials, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B 82B, p.223-230, 2007
49) Watari F., Abe S., Tamura K., Uo M., Yokoyama A., Totsuka Y.: Internal Diffusion of Micro/Nanoparticles Inside Body, Bioceramics Vol.20 Part 1,(Key Engineering Materials Vols.361-363), 94-95, 2007
50) Watari F., Abe S., Koyama C., Yokoyama A., Akasaka T., Uo M., Matsuoka M., Totsuka Y., Esaki M., Morita M., Yonezawa T.: Behavior of In Vitro, In Vivo and Internal Motion of Micro/Nano Particles of Titanium, Titanium Oxides and Others, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 116 (1) , 1-5, 2008
51) Wang W., Yokoyama A., Liao S., Omori M., Zhu Y., Uo M., Akasaka T., Watari F.: Preparation and characteristics of a binderless carbon nanotube monolith and its biocompatibility, Materials Science and Engineering C, 28, 1082?1086, 2008
52) Nindhia T., Koyoshi Y., Kaneko A., Sawada H., Ohta M., Hirai S., Uo M.:Hydroxyapatite-silk Functionally Graded Material by Pulse Electric Current Sintering, Trends Biomater. Artif. Organs-India, 22, 25-28, 2008
53) Tanaka S., Yamamoto T., Suwa N., Kaneko T., Yamagata S., Uo M., Iida J.: Effect of disinfectants to the dimensional stability of alginate impression materials, The Journal of Hokkaido Orthodontic Society, 36, 13-20, 2008 (in Japanese)
54) Terada M., Abe S., Akasaka T., Uo M., Kitagawa Y., Watari F.: Development of a multiwalled carbon nanotube coated collagen dish, Dent Mater J 28(1): 82-88, 2009
55)Watari F., Abe S., Rosca I. D., Yokoyama, A. Uo M., Akasaka T., Takashi N., Totsuka Y., Hirata E., Matsuoka M., Ishikawa K., Itoh S., Yawaka Y.: Visualization of invasion into the body and internal diffusion of nanoparticles, Key Engineering Materials, 396-398, 569-572, 2009
56)Abe S., Koyama C., Akasaka T., Uo M., Kuboki Y., Watari F.: Internal distribution of several inorganic microparticles in mice, Key Engineering Materials, 396-398, 539-542, 2009
57) Terada M., Abe S., Akasaka T., Uo M., Kitagawa Y., Watari F.: Multiwalled carbon nanotube coating on titanium, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 45-52, 2009
58) Kuboki Y., Terada M., Kitagawa Y., Abe S., Uo M., Watari F.: Interaction of collagen triple-helix with carbon nanotubes: Geometric property of rod-like molecules, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 3-9, 2009
59) Akasaka T., Yokoyama A., Matsuoka M., Hashimoto T., Abe S., Uo M., Watari F.: Adhesion of human osteoblast-like cells (Saos-2) to carbon nanotube sheets, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 147-153, 2009
60) Akasaka T., Nakata K., Uo M., Watari F.: Modification of the dentin surface by using carbon nanotubes, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 179-185, 2009
61) Abe S., Kida I., Esaki M., Akasaka T., Uo M., Hosono T., Sato Y., Jeyadevan B., Kuboki Y., Morita M., Tohji K., Watari F.: Biodistribution imaging of magnetic particles in mice: X-ray scanning analytical microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging, Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 213-220, 2009
62) Abe S., Koyama C., Esaki M., Akasaka T., Uo M., Kuboki Y., Morita M., Watari F.: In vivo internal diffusion of several inorganic microparticles through oral administration , Biomedical Materials and Engineering, 19(1), 221-229, 2009
63) Hirata E., Uo M., Takita H., Akasaka T., Watari F., Yokoyama A.: Development of a 3D collagen scaffold coated with multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, PartB Applied Biomaterials 90B, p.629-634, 2009
64) Li XM, Gao H, Uo M, Sato Y, Akasaka T, Abe S, Feng QL, Cui FZ, Watari F.: Maturation of osteoblast-like SaoS2 induced by carbon nanotubes, Biomedical Materials, 4(1) Article Number: 015005, 2009
65) Watari F., Takashi N., Yokoyama A., Uo M., Akasaka T., Sato Y., Abe S., Totsuka Y., Tohji K.: Material nanosizing effect on living organisms: non-specific, biointeractive, physical size effects, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6, S371-S388, 2009.
66) Abe S., Koyama C., Uo M., Akasaka T., Kuboki Y., Watari F.: Time-dependence and visualization of TiO2 and Pt particle biodistribution in mice, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnorogy 9, 4988-4991, 2009.
67) Li X., Gao H., Uo M., Sato Y., Akasaka T., Feng Q., Cui F., Liu X., Watari F.: Effect of carbon nanotubes on cellular functions in vitro, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 91A, 132-139, 2009.
68) Li X., Liu X., Dong W., Feng Q., Cui F., Uo M., Akasaka T., Watari F.: In vitro evaluation of porous poly(L-lactic acid) scaffold reinforced by chitin fibers, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 90B, 503-509, 2009.
69) Hirata E., Uo M., Nodasaka Y., Takita H., Ushijima N., Akasaka T., Watari F., Yokoyama A.: 3D collagen scaffolds coated with multiwalled carbon nanotubes:Initial cell attachment to internal surface, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, PartB Applied Biomaterials 93B, 544-550, 2010
70) Murata T., Uo M., Terada M., Kitagawa Y.: Metal allergy, Shika-Iryo, 24, 41-49, 2010. (in Japanese)
71) Abe S., Akasaka T., Uo M., Sato Y., Haneda K., Yonezawa T., JayadevanB., Tohji K., Watari F. et al.: Internal distribution of micro-/nano-sized ceramics and metals particles in mice, Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan, 118, 525-529, 2010.
72) Hirata E., Sakaguchi N., Uo M., Ushijima N., Nodasaka Y., Watari F., Ichinose H., Yokoyama A.: Transmission electron microscopic observation of cells cultured on multiwalled carbon nanotube-coated sponges, Journal of Electron Microscopy, 59, 447-450, 2010.
73) Kawai Y., Uo M., Watari F.: Microstructure evaluation of the interface between dental zirconia ceramics and veneering porcelain, Nano Biomedicine, 2, 31-36, 2010.
74) Bai Y., Neupane M.P., park I.S., Lee M.H. Bae T.S. Watari F., Uo M.: Electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubes-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites on titanium substrate, Materials Science and Engineering C, 30, 1043-1049, 2010.
75) Abe S., Kiba T., Hosokawa K., Nitobe S., Hirota T., Kobayashi H., Akasaka T., Uo M., Kuboki Y., Sato S., Watari F., Rosca I.D., Photophysical characterization of cumarin-doped poly (lactic acid) microparticles and visualization of the biodistribution, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 181, 181-185, 2010.
76) Kuboki Y., Koshikawa T., Takita H., Fujisawa R., LeeMH, Abe S., Akasaka T., Uo M., Watari F., Sammons R.: Chromatography of carbon nanotubes separated albumin from other serum proteins: a method for direct analysis of their interactions, Dental Materials Journal, 29, 369-373, 2010.
77) Akasaka T., Matsuoka M., Hashimoto T., Abe S., Uo M., Watari F.: The bactericidal effect of carbon nanotube/agar composites irradiated with near-infrared light on Streptococcus mutans, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 173, 187-190, 2010.
78) Kawai Y., Uo M., Wang Y., Kono S., Ohnuki S., Watari F., Phase transformation of zirconia ceramics by hydrothermal degradation, Dental Materials Journal, 30, 286-292, 2011.
79) Hirata E., Uo M., Takita H., Akasaka T., Watari F., Yokoyama A.: Multiwalled carbon nanotube-coating of 3D collagen scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, Carbon, 49, 3284-3291, 2011.
80) Neupane MP., Lee SJ., Park IS., Lee MH., Bae TS., Kuboki Y., Uo M., Watari F.: Synthesis of gelatin-capped gold nanoparticles with variable gelatin concentration, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13, 491-498, 2011.
81) Abe S., Ishikawa K., Hyono A., Kobayashi H., Kiba T., Akasaka T., Uo M., Yawaka Y., Sato S., Yonezawa T., Watari F.: Observation of a 3D Network Nano-Structure of Carbon Nanotubes Scaffold for Cultivation, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 9, 80-84, 2011.
82) Yoshino A., Tabuchi M., Uo M., Tatsumi H., Hideshima K., Kondo S., Sekine J.: Applicability of bacterial cellulose as an alternative to paper points in endodontic treatment, Acta Biomater. 9(4), 6116-6122, 2012.
83) Shiozawa M., Takahashi H., Iwasaki N., Uo M.: Effect of calcium chloride solution immersion on surface hardness of restorative glass ionomer cements, Dental Materrials Journal 32(5), 828-833, 2013.
84) Inoue S., Uo M., Sakairi M., Hirata E., Lee M.H., Bae T.S., Akasaka T., Watari F., Yokoyama A.: The effects of the coating of anodized titanium with multi-walled carbon nanotubes on bone formation, Key Engineering Materials, 529-530, 621-624, 2013.
85) Noritake K., Kuroda S., Nyan M., Atsuzawa Y., Uo M., Ohya K., Kasugai S.: Use of a gelatin hydrogel membrane containing b-tricalcium phosphate for guided bone regeneration enhances rapid bone formation, Dental Materials Journal, 33(5), 674-680, 2014.
86) Shiozawa M., Takahashi H., Iwasaki N., Wada T., Uo M.: Effect of immersion time of restorative glass ionomer cements and immersion duration in calcium chloride solution on surface hardness, Dental Materials, 30(12) 377-383, 2014.
87) Saito M., Kanazawa M., Takahashi H., Uo M., Minakuchi S., Trend of Change in Retentive Force for Bar Attachments with Different Materials, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 112(6), 1545-52, 2014.
88) Wada T., Murata N., Suzuki T., Uehara H., Nitani H., Niwa Y., Uo M., Asakura K.: Improvement of a real gas-sensor for the origin of methane selectivity degradation by m-XAFS investigation, Nano-Micro Letters, 2015.
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